Montag, 1. April 2013

Introduction To This Blog

“Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn't even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.” - Heraclitus

   Think for yourself who you want to be: a real fighter, living in constant peril of life - or a target, just trying to survive by running and hiding? Only few of us possess leader qualities, and far fewer become leaders. In any case, it is your duty to find a cause which is just and right and fight for it. You don't want to be one of those ten who have no place in this world, and it's a shame how most people are just targets (peaceful civilians in a war). This is actually why your enemy wins much of the time!

   This Blog is created to educate people's hearts, minds and soul in the tradition of great political teachers, saints/messiahs and artists. Why I may be none of the listed, I have much knowledge in these areas - the more so when it comes about the less known and hidden aspects, areas, grey zones etc.
   My view on global politics is centered around the russian position the russian cause. Russian means: the russian nations of Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine. Cause means: survival of these nations and a place that befits them in the world... However, I always try to think globally, because humanity in its totality can be the only goal in any strategical political thinking and acting.
   I also feel compelled to generally give as much information as people can swallow for the moment, and set people on to the right path - as I know the universe and hopefully all you beautiful people will treat me in the same way. There is a new world coming, and all that is not pure will be washed away... if you are not pure within, you won't be able to survive in that new world, on the spiritual level - and thus on the energetic, and, lastly, physical. And that is my final goal: contribution to the survival of the human race.

May heaven's blessing be with us.

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