Donnerstag, 25. April 2013

Update On Mang Military Airport, 24th April (direct translation from ANNA News)

It is the second week since the onslaught of armed groups on the Mang military airport, which is situated in the north of Aleppo.
In this attack participates a very large amount of bandits from different brigades and nations, according to them their main force is the brigade Al-Shishan - "Chechens" - and the brigade Usud Allah.
In the beginning of the offensive the armed fighters managed to gain some success and started to celebrate a victory. However, the soldiers of the Syrian army were able to disperse quickly and depart from the airport at a distance of 3 km, after which the aircraft carried out several strikes on the fighters' territory.
Airstrikes continue for 3 days now, during this time the bandits were unable to come near the airport. After this, inhabitants from the Nabl and Alzahera villages came to the protection of the airport and joined ranks with the soldiers of the army, to fight off the attack.
The fight around the airport still continued on the 24th, but with less intensity. According to eyewitnesses, casualties among the bandits are around 250 killed and many wounded, as well as 4 tanks that had been stolen; on the other side, 4 soldiers of the army died.

Sonntag, 21. April 2013

Why Syria Is Targetted: Debunking Some Myths

Based on my knowledge and from my Russian perspective, I will try to demystify some of the popular explanations for why Syria is tragetted the way she is.

   One of the reasons named is because of its secularism. While at first glance this seems somewhat logical, because Syria and Libya were one of the few states in the Arab world that were traditionally anti-islamist in their history, Libya being a bufferzone and at the same time active partner with the US in counter-terrorism in North Africa, and Syria being the state who had defeated the Muslim Brotherhood once. However, the reason of secularism in itself does not seem to play an overall role - as many love to think. What does it matter if you are islamist or secular government? Egypt was secular for half a century or so, now it is islamist under the Ikhwan government of Muhammad Mursi. Most gulf monarchies are either Wahhabite kingdoms or otherwise religiously inspired theocracies.
    The next assumption is that Syria has the Russian supply base of Tartus - as seemingly reasonable assumption, as the Russian Federation and the Russian people in common are perceived geostrategic enemies. However, the last I heard about Tartus base was that it was rather worn-down and hardly able to really host a complete fleet with tens of ships, as the Ukrainian base in Sevastopol does. It is more like the port-city of Novorossiysk, which can support a number of ships for indefinite time, but is not made for World War scenarios. The only reason I can think of why the Russian Federation would want to keep this facility is that one could unload a lot of "cargo" there, with secret destination.

   Thirdly, it is mentioned how Syria is Russia's only ally in the Arab World. Now, I don't want to downplay the Russian-Syrian friendship in any way, but the only reason why the Russian side supports Syria the way it does is simply: to fight the terrorists that would be sent to the Caucasus or Tatarstan otherwise! In any other aspects, the Russia Federation is acting more like an honest broker, in other terms, Putin is Bismarck who tries to negotiate between China and the Angloamerican powers, and on the way there defending Russian interests as well. The Russian Federation is NOT an active global power striving for dominancy, they are fully on the defensive - reaction whenever national integrity or security is targetted (e.g. Ossetia)! China, however, and the Angloamericans, strive for global economic dominance, and of course there is a military side to it. Iran and meanwhile Syria are basically in China-aligned in these terms.

   Another reason I hear is the idealism of the Syrian leadership is mentioned. It is a much more solid point, especially since much of these ideals are materialized as Syria constitutes the main weapon source of to "insurgents" in the region who fight against Israel primarily. Among the recipients are Hezbollah, who likely helped distribute it to the Palestinian (Gazan) resistance, which has also reportedly acquired the relatively modern Kornet ATGM system - which only Syria and consequently Hezbollah have in large numbers. Relatively modern MANPADs and even point defence systems (short-range SAMs) may not really challenge IAF supremacy - as the Israeli air force is officially known to be the best equipped in the region. They are, however, a nuisance to crackpot warmongers like Netanyahu and might do more psychological than material damage. The ground weapons, including Iranian missiles, have already successfully challenged Israeli air defence when dozens of missiles were fired for days and could not be intercepted in Winter 2012. Of course, the Israelis claim that only a few missiles even fell on their territory, and others into the watery blue. But I disagree. Whatever the damage done by Gazan missiles, I think the acquirement of modern weapons was one of the reasons why there was no invasion - (the other one being a lack of support by Western leaders for a full-scale aggression with ground forces involved). In other words, Gaza has been turned into a thorn in the side of the Zionist entity of Israel, and is another perceived (and righfully) threat to their survival by Syria. And as West Bank Palestinians are also incresingly emotional over colonialism - remembering the mock-hanging of Qatar's overweight sheikh - it might just be that militant factions there may wish to fight the Israel military. In this case, you know who they will ask for weapons first.

   Conclusion: it is thus not about secularism, or the "alliance" with Russia (which is really just a partnership with historical roots), but Syria's role in the region, as a bastion and centre point of resistance to various anti-colonialist powers, in this case frustrating the Angloamerican plans to leave behind islamist chaos and weakened states, while they are retreating to regroup for some time. It is the geopolitical importance as the country which lies between Iran and the Mediterranean, to give Iranian gas access to the Mediterranean - and thus to Europe. It is the global fight for hegemony, where Syria is on the side of China and this way automatically anti-Angloamerican.

Sonntag, 7. April 2013

The Gas Wars aka "Syrian Revolution": Escalations and Developments

Since this is my first post about Syria, I will initiate by giving my thoughts on why this is happening to Syria and how it reflects on the global situation.

   For now, the main goal of destabilizing Syria and creating a puppet government there seems to be directed against Iran. There are reportedly plans to create such an entity in North Eastern Syria to cut off Iranian (gas pipelines) access to the Mediterranean Sea, and thus to Europe - the main competitor is of course Qatar (aka ExxonMobil), which explains the bitter emnity between both sides and the aggression with which overweight Sheikh Thani is pushing the overturn of the Syrian government, Iran's only ally in the Arab World.
   Ultimately, when these mercenary forces have achieved their goal, they will be sent to the Caucasus, or even Tatarstan. They can not go to Iran, because the result would be genocides against these perceived "Sunni extremists" by the ardent Shia population.
   Further escalation: after the breakdown of US-Iranian talks on the nuclear program, it seems that Obama has agreed to Netanyahu's suggestion to pursue the overturn of Syria's legitimate government the same way as he had done for 2 years now: by sending thousands of willing mercenaries and murderers primarily across the Turkish-Syrian border. Conservative estimates by people whose judgement I trust have put the death of islamist mercenaries from about last December to end of March to a number around 15.000 - while during that time, they have been able to replace this number, smuggling them through Turkey. As you can see, they have an almost infinite supply of manpower to be used against any state, since there are enough starving people in failed states who are susceptible to the perverted islamist ideology, which is born from ignorance and poverty. On the Turkish side, with the "reconciliation" of Israel's and Turkey's strongmen, and especially Erdogan's deal with Ocalan (whatever that exactly was) - which has gained him a ceasefire agreement with PKK forces who have promised not to attack Turkish Army, raising the question if it is indeed true that Israel has indeed been involved with this group since its very creation - has given "uncle Recip" free reign to destabilize the Syrian border even more than before, while Israel may be encouraged to use the Turkish airspace as it had before to attack targets inside Syria.
   Feeling this attempted escalation to shift balance, the high command of the Russian Federation has started sudden military drills which the Black Sea Fleet and Baltic Fleet (2 landing ships), as well as parts of the Southern military district (including 450km forced march of armor from Moscow to Krasnodar region), have been smoothly absolved, demonstrating that the Armed Forces of Russian Federation are something like a real army that can be actually used in case of military conflicts to defend Russian interests. Although rather little of the weaponry used was state-of-the-art, the numbers involved were quite inspiring: ~7000 servicemen, 30 ships, 250 armored vehicles, Su-24 frontal bombers and Special Forces. This counter-escalation will likely scare off NATO's direct intervention plans, and even Israel's. While the Russian Naval forces - there have been 4 warships active in that region recently - may not directly interveen in case of any military scenario except WW3, the anti-sub and electronic survaillance capabilities can undoubtedly help the Syrian high command with information gathering and Electronic Warfare against NATO's henchmen, who are oftenly equipped with hightech electronical equipment, and also hold the Turkish and Israeli submarines a at bay. This may be connected to the uncovering of Israeli spying equipment in Tartous, supposed to have been monitoring Russian Naval Forces movements ( Furthermore, the Russian Federation considers the Syrian issue as a threat to its national security since in the case of collapse of the Syrian government, the terrorist mercenary fighters will be used to explode the Muslim-dominated Republics of Russia. That in turn could lead to uggly things like reprisals vs. muslims in the countryside in other parts of the nation, where the societies are more "conservative Christian".

    There has also been escalation by the Syrian Forces happened when Syrian jets bombed some Lebanese border town. While this was likely to be a warning to Lebanese authority, I received reports that Ground Forces had been stationed near the border prior to the strikes (21. Brigade of the 3. Division). The interesting and more than development with this situation was: 4 Russian warships dock in Beirut, Syrian Air Force bombs targets inside Lebanon, Lebanese PM quarrells with Hizbullah, Lebanese PM resigns. I have been told that we will in the near future see similar surprises  happening in the region, initiated by Syria. I want to point your attention towards Aleppo, where various kinds of troops of the Syrian Armed Forces have been massing. They have been involved in cleaning the countryside, but I can feel there is something else left for them to do, as they have not been sent back yet. I also want to point out that all Damascus suburbs infested by terrorists mercenaries have been declared "surrounded" by a Syrian general.

I'm curious to find out how far USA's vassals are willing to go, but I sure as hell know that the US won't get itself involved directly in this one. Any further escalation now could lead to open conflict, as the Syrian side can not allow itself to be further attacked from several directions. As a saying goes: when enemies surround you, defeat them one by one!

Montag, 1. April 2013

Introduction To This Blog

“Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn't even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.” - Heraclitus

   Think for yourself who you want to be: a real fighter, living in constant peril of life - or a target, just trying to survive by running and hiding? Only few of us possess leader qualities, and far fewer become leaders. In any case, it is your duty to find a cause which is just and right and fight for it. You don't want to be one of those ten who have no place in this world, and it's a shame how most people are just targets (peaceful civilians in a war). This is actually why your enemy wins much of the time!

   This Blog is created to educate people's hearts, minds and soul in the tradition of great political teachers, saints/messiahs and artists. Why I may be none of the listed, I have much knowledge in these areas - the more so when it comes about the less known and hidden aspects, areas, grey zones etc.
   My view on global politics is centered around the russian position the russian cause. Russian means: the russian nations of Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine. Cause means: survival of these nations and a place that befits them in the world... However, I always try to think globally, because humanity in its totality can be the only goal in any strategical political thinking and acting.
   I also feel compelled to generally give as much information as people can swallow for the moment, and set people on to the right path - as I know the universe and hopefully all you beautiful people will treat me in the same way. There is a new world coming, and all that is not pure will be washed away... if you are not pure within, you won't be able to survive in that new world, on the spiritual level - and thus on the energetic, and, lastly, physical. And that is my final goal: contribution to the survival of the human race.

May heaven's blessing be with us.